
New energy vehicle soft connection

Product overview

The soft connection of new energy vehicle batteries refers to the connecting wire between the electric vehicle battery pack and the battery, which can be bent and called a soft connection. The soft connection of new energy vehicles can eliminate the problem of poor battery pack conductivity caused by loose fasteners caused by vibration during operation. At the same time, the light weight of the soft connection can effectively increase the range of new energy vehicles.

Application examples

达州市| 全南县| 柞水县| 铜川市| 新密市| 滦平县| 灵丘县| 弥勒县| 衡南县| 肥西县| 安溪县| 东乡族自治县| 紫金县| 嵊泗县| 无棣县| 永新县| 西宁市| 罗山县| 陇西县| 江北区| 通渭县| 建水县| 新泰市| 东安县| 新郑市| 慈利县| 斗六市| 田林县| 嘉鱼县| 沾化县| 泗洪县| 诸暨市| 泰安市| 三穗县| 个旧市| 商丘市| 金沙县| 桑日县| 友谊县| 安吉县| 成都市|